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Pad Thai Recipe

pad thai


  • 2 Tbsp Vegetable oil
  • 1 Tbsp chopped shallot
  • 1 Tbsp minced sweet preserved radish 
  • 2 cloves chopped garlic
  • 1 Tbsp dried shrimp 
  • 5 shrimps or 5 oz. diced chicken recommended
  • 4-8 Tbsp PAD THAI sauce (See below for ready-made or from scratch)
  • 3 oz.dried rice noodles (2mm wide, for dried noodle, Soak 10 mins in room temp water before cooking)
  • 1/2 cup of water 
  • 1 pc pressed/firm tofu cut in the cube.
  • 1 cup fresh bean sprouts
  • 3 stalk garlic chives or green onion, cut into 2” length
  • 1 fresh egg

Sauce (Mixed from scratch) 20 servings

  • Water 4 cups with one block of tamarind paste, and slow boil for 20 mins until you have a smooth consistency. Remove the seed.
  • 16 pcs of palm sugar (2” dia) with water 2 cups in a slow boil for 5- 10 mins until has a honey texture
  • Soy sauce or fish sauce  1 cup
  • Mix all three ingredients and Slow boil until it’s thick like syrup and tamarind. (~1 hour) 

If it’s too sour, please add more sugar. Adjust to your taste.


  • 1 tbsp chopped roasted peanuts 
  • 1/2 lime
  • 1 tsp chili pepper flakes
  • 1 tsp granulated sugar


1. In the pan, add 2 tablespoons of veg oil and turn the heat to high.

2. Add the chopped shallots, garlic, preserved radish, and dried shrimp. Cook until the garlic starts to brown slightly.

3. Add the chicken or fresh prawn and tofu and the two tbsps. of the mixed pad Thai sauce.

4. After the meat is cooked, Add the noodles add water. And the two tbsps. of the sauce, turn the heat up to high, and keep stirring and tossing until the noodles are cooked and have absorbed all the sauce.

5. Once the noodle is cooked as al dente, Add bean sprouts, garlic

chives, and toss everything to mix for one minute.

6. At the end, push all to the side, add the oil and crack the egg to

the empty space.

7. Break the eggs yolk gently. Put the noodles on top of the egg and let the egg set completely for another 1 min in high heat. Flip everything over on your plate.

8. Plate the noodles, Serve with crushed peanuts, ½ of the lime (must- have). You can also serve with extra fresh bean sprouts, garlic chives, and chili flakes, and sugar if desired. Make sure you squeeze that lime over the noodles before you enjoy it!